@extends('front.layouts.frontstep') @extends('front.layouts.front') @section('mainarea')

Agree to the terms of employment

Dear {{Auth::guard('employees')->user()->fullName}},

With reference to your application and subsequent interview, we are pleased to offer you an appointment in @if($user == "TT") Techtonic @elseif($user == "DB") Designbox @endif

Following will be the terms and conditions:

As communicated to you during our discussions, we value competence, performance, discipline, and integrity above everything else and that constitutes the foundation of this contract.

You have been designated as a {{$employee->getDesignation->designation}}. However, your ability and expertise can be utilized in any other field/function in the best interest of the company and there upon you shall be re-designated accordingly.

Your date of joining is {{date('d-M-Y',strtotime($employee->joiningDate))}} and this would be considered your effective date of joining in the company.

Your annual remuneration will be Rs. @foreach($employee->getSalary as $salary) {{$salary->salary}} @endforeach. Your performance review will be done after you have finished 12 months of employment with the company. The probation period is 3 months and during this period the employee or the employer can terminate the employment contract with a notice period of 1 month. Your probation period will automatically end after a period of 3 months. Post confirmation the notice period will be one month.

You will be governed by various rules and regulations/ service conditions framed by the company from time to time.

During the continuance of our employment or at any point of time thereafter, you shall not discuss, divulge or communicate by word of mouth or otherwise to any person(s) whatsoever, any information of a secret or confidential nature entrusted to you or coming to your knowledge, relating to the trade or business of the company or of any group / sister companies or any of its customers or to the methods, process, appliance, machinery or the plant used by them or to any experiments made by them or any of them or by any person in their employment or relating to the prices paid or charged by or the customer of the company or its group/ sister companies, or administrative/ organizational matters of the company which may be your personal privilege to know by virtue of being an employee of the company or any such other information, the disclosure of which in the opinion of the company, is likely to be prejudicial to the interests of the company. Any breach of confidential information or intellectual property can lead to damages and the company may seek adequate legal recourse or compensation from you.

While employed with this company, you will not in any circumstances be permitted to work for any other firm or person, either whole time or part time, to own, or in any way be associated with any firm or person as advisor, director or partner, whether paid or not, for your services, without prior written permission of the company.

The company restricts you from working directly with any of our clients or their associated companies on a full time or part time basis. This clause will stay in effect for a period of 6 months after you leave our organization.

a) The company shall be the sole owner of all inventions, ideas, materials, systems, codes, etc. that may be devised / created by the Employee in the course of his / her employment with the Company.
b) The Employee shall have no claim of any nature whatsoever and undertakes not to utilize, part with or divulge such information to any third party, even after he / she has ceased to be an employee of the company.
c) The above terms and conditions shall be binding upon both the parties hereto during the entire course of employment of the Employee with the Company.
d) Apart from the above terms and conditions, you shall be bound by, and shall adhere to such other rules and regulations as may be in force, from time to time, in the Company.

If at any time, you are found guilty of misconduct, commit any breach this contract of employment or refuse or willfully neglect to perform to the satisfaction of the company or any of the sister/ group companies in connection with whose business you may be engaged, all or any of the duties devolving upon you, the company may at once, without any previous notice, terminate the contract of your employment solely at your cost, risk and responsibility.

You are required to deal with the company’s money, material and documents with utmost honesty and professional ethics. If you are found guilty, at any point of time of moral turpitude or of dishonesty in dealing with the company’s money, material or documents or theft of any information or misappropriation regardless of the value involved, your services will be terminated immediately.

user()->step1 ? 'checked' : '' }}>
@if(Auth::guard('employees')->user()->step1 == 1) @else @endif

Step 1 of 4

{{------------------------END Notice MODALS---------------------}} @endsection @section('footerjs') @endsection